Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Link Thingy

Someone HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!! How the holy hell do you put a link in your blog and make it say what you want?????


Jamie Willow said...

I just figured this out myself...type the word you want, highlight it, click on the "link" tab and it will prompt you to put in the url, click ok and it turns the word you typed into html...

good luck!

Sasha said...

Yeah, like Jamie said. The link button looks like a chain I think- a round thing.

Kate said...

oh crap...that just seems too easy! Thanks, Ladies!

Smoochiefrog said...

So you'll only love me forever if I teach you the strike through? Man. Whatever happened to unconditional love?

It's < s > and < /s > without the spaces. I'm expecting a lot from this love ya know.